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Portfolio Management For New Product Development: Results Of An Industry Practices Study

They do not have any affinity to the fibers and are affixed to the fabric with the help of resins. Dyes differ in their resistance to sunlight, perspiration, washing, gas, alkalies, and other agents; their affinity for different fibers; their reaction to cleaning agents and methods; and their solubility and method of application. The methods became more sophisticated with time and techniques using natural dyes from crushed fruits, berries and other plants, which were boiled into the fabric and gave light and water fastness (resistance), were developed. Its overall objective was to gain insights into what portfolio methods companies use, whether they are satisfied with them, the performance results they achieve with the different approaches, and suggestions for others who are considering implementing portfolio management. They are mostly used for wool which gets a good color fastness after treatment with mordant dyes. These dyes are finely ground and are available as a paste or a powder that gets dispersed in water.

This process is similar to how round oil droplets are formed when mixing oil in water and shaking the contents of the bottle. Acid dyes are seldom used on cotton or linen since this process requires a mordant. That is, these KPI’s are benchmarks that indicate the health and prosperity (or otherwise) of an organization with respect to some particular aspect. In this particular case there was a company name change between the manufacture of the blank undecorated piece, marked with the Spode name, and the decoration of the piece when it had received its first (biscuit) firing! The impressed mark was stamped into the clay by hand when the plate was first made, prior to it being fired when the clay was still malleable. My first overseas manufacturing experience was a disaster. Through business product outsourcing or outsourcing product design, businesses can see advancement through expanding their borders, ranking higher in the competition of the market, and gaining experience with third-party production. A few studies done on successful entrepreneurs show key characteristics of small business owners who flourish.

A website is an online base of your business. After dyeing the fabric is oxidized for getting desired shades by exposure to air or by using chemicals. This is done for getting the binding action of the chrome. The mordant or chrome dyes are acidic in character. Nowadays gums or alginates derived from seaweed are preferred as they allow better penetration of color and are easier to wash out. Direct dyes color cellulose fibers directly without the use of mordants. Basic dyes are water-soluble and are mainly used to dye acrylic fibers. These dyes were originally developed for the dyeing of cellulose acetate but now they are used to dye nylon, cellulose triacetate, and acrylic fibers too. Finally, managerial implications, including suggestions for making portfolio management more effective in industry, are outlined. Dyeing can be done at any stage of the manufacturing of textile- fiber, yarn, fabric or a finished textile product including garments and apparels. The desired pattern is produced by pressing dye on the fabric in a paste form.

If you are unsure about the building codes in your area or what office has jurisdiction over your home, the best place to start is with your most local form of government. Vat dyes are insoluble in water and cannot dye fibers directly. Disperse dyes are water insoluble. They are also used for cotton, linen, silk, rayon and nylon but are less effective for them. With mordant, basic dyes are used for cotton, linen, acetate, nylon, polyesters, acrylics and modacrylics. They are used for dyeing wool, silk, nylon, cotton, rayon etc. These dyes are not very bright and have poor fastness to washing although they are fairly fast to light. Other than acrylic, basic dyes are not very suitable for any other fiber as they are not fast to light, washing or perspiration. They are mostly used with a mordant. A mordant is a chemical agent which is used to set dyes on fabrics by forming an insoluble compound with the dye. The standards that the raw material has to meet must be set at a realistic level. If the standards are set too high then material will be rejected that is good enough for the end use, and if they are set too low then large amounts of inferior material will go forward into production.

⦁ Will establishing distributor networks within our channel help distributors develop better plans for the long-range future? Consider a dehumidifier to reduce the moisture within your house, which will further contribute to a cool environment. Synthetic dyes are classified based upon their chemical composition and the method of their application in the dyeing process. They are incorporated into the fiber by chemical reaction, absorption, or dispersion. Acid dyes are widely used on nylon when high washfastness is required. A class of dyes used on wool, other animal fibers, and some manufactured fibers. A process of coloring fibers, yarns, or fabrics with either natural or synthetic dyes. Sodium or potassium bichromate is used with them in the dyebath or after the process of dyeing is completed. Sulfur Dyes are insoluble and made soluble by the help of caustic soda and sodium sulfide. Nails are also pitted and ridged in some cases. These processes are very often carried out in separate establishments, therefore what is considered to be a raw material depends on the stage in processing at which the testing takes place. The production cycle as far as testing is concerned starts with the delivery of raw material.