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Continuous Improvement And Inter-project Learning In New Product Development

Give the business a reasonable amount of time to respond. As the cutter box is pulled through the barrel, it is also rotated about its axis at a set rate to give the rifling a spiral shaped groove. The cutter box is cylindrical in shape and is made smaller than the bore of the barrel, so that it may be inserted into the barrel as well. A broaching tool may be pulled or pushed along a workpiece. Since each ring has multiple cutting edges, all the grooves may be cut at the same time and with a single pass of the broaching tool. The last ring is of the desired groove diameter of the barrel. The rod is twisted at an uniform rate as it is being pulled through the barrel. This tool is a hardened steel rod with multiple cutting disks spaced evenly on the rod. The other end of the cutter box is attached to a hollow steel tube through which coolant fluid (usually oil) is pumped to keep the cutting head cool. A broach is merely a long tool with multiple cutting elements on it. It must be noted that each cutting element on the broach tool is slightly larger than the previous one.

A team must check the Capstone Courier every round for all segments. Broach cutting works similar to the Cut Rifling process we studied in the previous post, except that there is no need to make multiple passes to get the desired groove depth. Now we will study a more modern technique called Broach Rifling. This type of tool is called a gang-broach because it has multiple cutting rings. The object to be machined (in this case, the rifle barrel) is connected to a source of electricity (the barrel is the “workpiece electrode”) and another electrode called the “tool electrode” is placed close to the spot to be machined. Now the tool electrode is positioned on the new area to be machined and the process is repeated. Like the EDM process, the ECM process can also be used on hard materials that cannot be machined by other more mechanical processes. The process of broaching was invented in the 1850s or so, but it was only applied to making rifling after WW-I ended in 1918. Advances in broaching machines have made this method very competitive with other machining processes. Most manufacturers use EDM machines not only for the rifling, but also to manufacture other parts of the rifle, such as the action and the receiver.

They use machines manufactured by Surftran to do their work. When employees feel appreciated and respected, they work at their best and provide great customer service. Own your product and software code base, including the feature road map, customer issues/defects and the technology road map. I’m referring to listening to what your audience actually wants and needs to improve the customer experience. The tool is placed inside an item to be cut and then rotated and pulled through the item. Then the current is stopped, the old dielectric liquid is flushed out and replaced with new liquid, which also removes the metal debris out of the way. The hardened barrels are then placed in the ECM machine and held stationary. In this post, we will talk about another process that also uses electricity, named Electro Chemical Machining (ECM). Now we will study a specific broach tool used to manufacture rifling.

Quite a few barrel manufacturers use broach cutting to rifle their barrels. There is no heat or stress developed in the barrel as a side-effect of this process and no burring, so there is less post machining after the rifling is done. Electric Discharge Machining (EDM). The advantages of using EDM for rifling are that it can be used on very hard materials that are otherwise difficult to machine by other methods. Since 1993, Smith & Wesson has been using ECM to manufacture most of their revolver barrels. OOn12 or OOn3 – 4mm scale on 12mm gauge track – comprehensive manufacturing support from the likes of Branchlines and Roxey Mouldings and scratch building potential using the TT Association products. Examples of manufacturing overhead costs, include costs of indirect labor, indirect materials, cost of machine repair, depreciation of plant and building, insurance, electricity, factory supplies, factory administrative costs (such as legal compliance costs), and more.